Check out our feature in Growth Unhinged!
Account Sharing

Stop account sharing,
grow faster

Prevent users from sharing seats. Grow faster by converting users that are sharing logins into paying customers.
Try Free 30 Days

Reduced revenue

You price per license - when users share passwords, you lose out on revenue growth

Inaccurate metrics

Your usage data is inaccurate or overinflated by account sharing

The tools you need to detect seat sharing

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Real-time Decisions

Verisoul automates your decisions, so you can block fake accounts without manual reviews, ad-hoc data analysis, or added user friction.
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Read how Clay added $150K of ARR in 30 days with Verisoul

“We sensed there were fake accounts, but we were blown away when we saved >$175K in customer credits and added >$150K of incremental ARR - in just the first 30 days.

That’s not even accounting for the time savings for our team by automating all of this with Verisoul.”
Yash Tekriwal
GTM Engineer